The human right to safe drinking water in Colombia: progress, challenges and shared responsibilities
drinking water, Constitutional law, acces, equity, rural area, urban area, jurisprudenceAbstract
Objective. To describe the progress, challenges and responsibilities of the Colombian State in relation to drinking water as a human right. Methodology. Documentary research, using various sources of information related to the human right to drinking water in Colombia, carrying out the following steps: collection, analysis and interpretation of relevant documents, following a qualitative approach. Results. Differences were found between urban and rural coverage. In urban areas, 632 municipalities are in the 90% to 100% coverage range, while in rural areas, only 35 municipalities reach this coverage range. Additionally, in rural areas, 764 municipalities have sewerage coverage less than or equal to 15%. Conclusions. Colombia has made significant progress in the coverage of public water, sewerage and sanitation services, especially in urban areas. However, important gaps persist between urban and rural areas of the country, which shows the need to strengthen efforts to guarantee universal and equitable access to drinking water and basic sanitation.
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